Seen a painting or artwork on this site that has caught your eye? It may be for sale.
Contact Kerry Bennett to find out if it is available, 07986 291037
Committee & Contact Details
Chairman Peter Sherwood 07950 914409
Committee Coordinator Barbara Beaton
Treasurer Richard Parkinson 07818 472282
Saturday Programme Janne Gascoine 07803 033452
Workshops Mark Fisher 07913 827130
Exhibition Organiser Position Vacant
Exhibition Cards Michelle Bennett 07876 567607
Exhibition Sponsorship Maggie Hayes 07929 000417
Charity Calendar Lizzie Wells 07970 275071
Health and Safety Anthony Lightly 07936 376413 Committee
Non-Committee Roles
Publicity Adrienne Norbury 07966 024769
Summer Outdoor Programme Ruth Short 01424 254566
Winter Indoor Programme Jana White 07858 405588
Newsletter Editor Philippa Williams 01424 772383
Exhibition Assistant Juanita Gouws 07824 508750
Exhibition Assistant Elaine Baker 07874 225915
Library Showcase Claire Thompson 07768 835280
Website Co-ordinator Isabel Fisher 07913 825670 email click here