Why be a member of Battle & District Arts Group?
We have a full annual programme:
* Monthly Saturday afternoon talks and demonstrations by artists at Battle Memorial Hall throughout the year.
* The Annual Members Summer Show at Battle Memorial Hall in August. 2024: Handing in 28th July, Preview Evening 30th July, Exhibition 31st July to 10th August
* Outside painting days during the summer.
* Weekly indoor painting group during the winter at the Emmanuel Centre, Battle.
* A minimum of10 half-day workshops at Sedlescombe Village Hall, by professional artists, Kerry Bennett and Mark Fisher, during the year.
* Take part in our Members Monthly Art Challenge and get your work on the BDAG website.
* Be part of The BDAG Calendar - featuring members work and supporting local charities.
Your membership card entitles you to an in person 10% discount on the purchase of many art materials at Kings Stationers and a discount on orders over £25 with Art-Write. BDAG has a group membership for SAA which gives members the discounted prices on products when ordered through the BDAG committee.
Click on the images below to link through to these companies websites.
What does it cost?
Annual membership
£25 - individual
£45 - joint - two members at the same address
Click here to see the Membership Form. Either: Save to your computer as a file to edit, fill in your details, save and send to the Membership Secretary via email as an attachment once payment has been made.
OR Print off and complete by hand then scan or take a photo of the completed form to attach to your email and send to the Membership Secretary once payment has been made.
OR Print off complete and post to the Membership Secretary (details on the form) and enclose your cheque or make payment online.